Wednesday 26 June 2013

Evaluate - The Future

Unfortunately our thought for the future aren't too optimistic for the Adelie penguin species. If the rates of global warming continue at their current pace, or even worse, accelerate, we believe the Adelie population will no longer be able to support itself. They will  starve to death.  
We know that as the temperature rises, the surrounding air is capable of holding more moisture. We also know that when there is more moisture in the air, the snowfall on the Peninsula becomes heavier. Our group anticipates this occurrence will have huge implications on Adelie habitat: the penguins' nesting sites, which are normally located on dry, frozen, rocky areas, will be transformed into slush, decreasing the survival rate of the chicks.
Ironically, this developing slushy environment only further quickens the rate of melting in Antarctica. As the ice becomes more wet, more of the sun’s rays can be absorbed causing deep holes to form into the ice. The "swiss cheese" effect will break the entire ice sheet down much quicker than if the ice sheet were its natural dry-solid state.

Monday 24 June 2013

Design - Diagram

Quick Pics

Photo: An Adélie penguin walking on snow

                                                      A cute pic of an Adelie penguin


Analyse - Physical features

The Adélie has a black head and an orange beak. Distinctive white rings appear around their eyes during the breeding season. Penguin's tails are short and wedge-shaped, with 14 to 18 stiff tail feathers. Adélie penguins have longer tail feathers, which they often use as an aid when they are on land. their shiny feathers overlap to cover their skin. Penguin feathers are highly specialized - short, broad, and closely spaced. This helps keep water away from the skin. Penguins have more feathers than most other birds, with about 100 feathers per square inch. The Adélie penguin is one of three brush-tailed penguins with a relatively long tail compared with other penguin species.When adelie penguins open their when they are adults there is white around there eyelid. When they are kids they have pinky grey covering on their eyelid. Adélie penguins have the classic look of the tuxedoed penguin made so popular by cartoons. They have pink feet and pink blush on the undersides of their flippers to complete the look.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Apply - Food Chain

The Adélie is one of two penguin species that breed only on the Antarctic continent. They generally stay within the waters of the Southern Ocean to the south of the Antarctic Convergence (the region where the great oceans—the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Indian oceans—meet in the cold waters of the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica). They are only spotted every now and then in the South Atlantic waters  that surround the Falkland Islands and in the waters of the South Pacific near New Zealand.

Adelie  penguins make rocky nests to shelter

Adélie penguins may actually benefit from warmer global temperatures, the opposite of other polar species, according to a breakthrough study by an international team led by University of Minnesota Polar Geospatial Centre researchers. The Adelie penguin population increased by 84% since climate change near Ross islands. But more research will have to take place to know for sure.

Adelie Penguins can survive the cold because they have a thick layer of fur that blocks out the cold and keeps them warm in winter. They also have a thick layer of skin called blubber , blubber is another word for fat . They also stay in the ocean most of their time because it is warmer than on the ice. There are many factors that play a part in the survival of the penguins. Their feathers help to keep them warm on land, and their fat storage helps on land and in water. Their flippers and feet are not operated in the actual limb, they are operated from inside their body, where the main moving parts can be kept warm. They also can tuck them towards their body when needed. They know not to lie down on the snow and ice. They also travel in humongous packs that provide a 'sharing of body heat' kind of concept.


Wednesday 12 June 2013

Cute Adelie Video!!!

Have a look at this cute video! How amazing would it be if you got up close and personal to a group of Adelie Penguins!

Understand- Happy Habitat

The Adélie is one of two penguin species that breed only on the Antarctic continent. They generally stay within the waters of the Southern Ocean to the south of the Antarctic Convergence (the region where the great oceans—the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Indian oceans—meet in the cold waters of the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica). They are only spotted every now and then in the South Atlantic waters  that surround the Falkland Islands and in the waters of the South Pacific near New Zealand.  

The Penguins are a special type that need their tempreture to be icy cold. Climate Change will threaten these species, resulting in the creatures becoming extinct. The Adelie Penguins need the land to be flat and there needs to friction between them and the sheets of ice in order for them to survive.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Remember - Classified Catergorys

The Adelie penguin is an animal and a type of Penguin and Bird. The Penguin is one of the few species of bird, that despite having wings, is unable to fly. To make up for this though, penguins have perfected their jumping technique with some penguins being able to jump a couple of meters! Imagine how useful this would be to them in their everyday life!  Penguins are classified animals because they eat food and have a beating heart.