Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Evaluate - The Future

Unfortunately our thought for the future aren't too optimistic for the Adelie penguin species. If the rates of global warming continue at their current pace, or even worse, accelerate, we believe the Adelie population will no longer be able to support itself. They will  starve to death.  
We know that as the temperature rises, the surrounding air is capable of holding more moisture. We also know that when there is more moisture in the air, the snowfall on the Peninsula becomes heavier. Our group anticipates this occurrence will have huge implications on Adelie habitat: the penguins' nesting sites, which are normally located on dry, frozen, rocky areas, will be transformed into slush, decreasing the survival rate of the chicks.
Ironically, this developing slushy environment only further quickens the rate of melting in Antarctica. As the ice becomes more wet, more of the sun’s rays can be absorbed causing deep holes to form into the ice. The "swiss cheese" effect will break the entire ice sheet down much quicker than if the ice sheet were its natural dry-solid state.

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